We recognize the many challenges that low and moderate-income households face including many single working parents with limited time available for community activities. We encourage residents to participate in shaping activities, programs and services that will help meet these challenges.

We encourage our senior residents to be actively engaged in their community and to foster independence by participating in social, educational and wellness oriented programs and activities on site and in the broader community. We invite residents to help shape and deliver desired services in the community.

Communities Together is CORES Certified
According to Stewards for Affordable Housing for the Future (SAHF), “the Certified Organization for Resident Engagement & Services (CORES) Certification recognizes organizations that have developed a robust commitment, capacity, and competency in providing resident services coordination in affordable rental homes. The CORES Certification is inclusive of family, senior and supportive housing communities. The CORES Certification recognizes Communities Together Inc’s investment in and development of the tools necessary to implement a robust system of resident services coordination under the Third Party model.” The SAHF team works with organizations to identify and promote best practices in the field of community and resident engagement. A panel of anonymous peers from the resident services sector makes the final determination to award certification.
Help Our Families during this universal time of need.
Interested in an internship with Communities Together Inc? Please contact: manpreet@commtogether.org